Secretary Class-R19

Secretary Class-R19 · 24. July 2024
Chapter 8 *** But again, he couldn't get off. He squeezed his dick with a handkerchief soaked in fluids, sniffed it, did all the dirty arrivalist things, but he couldn't get hard. He thought he was past the age of virility. Of course, at that moment, it was Ha Eun-jin's body that dominated Min-seong’s desire. Chuckling to himself, Min-seong scrolled through his contacts on his phone. At times like this, it was better to think of something else. Min-seong scrolled through his contacts. After a...
Secretary Class-R19 · 20. July 2024
Chapter 7 *** The fever, barely brought down by the fluids, seemed to rise again. Eun-jin pressed a hand to her throbbing temple and snatched the cup she'd been given as a gift for joining the company. She flicked the cigarette into the trash can and set the cup down on the sink. When that didn't quell her anger, she tossed the mug into the trash. "I lost my temper." Ugh. She wanted to kick Dong-jin's tongue out of his mouth right then and there, but she had no energy. The wounds of heartbreak,...
Secretary Class-R19 · 16. July 2024
Chapter 6 *** Her pussy was still damp with Min-seong’s and her own fluids. It was uncomfortable to be in the same room with him after such animalistic sex with no foreplay or aftermath. "Where do you live?" "Just me, I'll go alone." Eun-jin's words made Min-seong glare at her. She couldn't make eye contact with him. Eun-jin, frightened by Min-seong's intense gaze, corrected herself. "I live in Sinchon ......." "Okay." Min-seong relaxed his frown. The elevator arrived at the lobby level. He...
Secretary Class-R19 · 13. July 2024
Chapter 5🔞 **** At the same time, she couldn't think of any other alternative. She could only hope that Cho Min-seong would keep his promise. Finally, completely defeated in the battle, Eun-jin shook her head. "I'll go to the hotel......." Min-seong handed Eunjin a black card. "Go to the parking lot and the driver will take you there. Check in and wash up first." "Okay." Eun-jin quietly walked out of Cho Min-seong’s office. Eun-jin was smart enough to know what it was like to be in debt to...
Secretary Class-R19 · 12. July 2024
Chapter 4 *** "You and Dong-jin are friends." "Friends?" Min-seong scoffed at Eun-jin's definition. After all, Dong-jin thought of him as a friend, but Min-seong thought of him as a footman. "After all the years we've known each other, I don't think you're going to......." "Do you want me to take care of this asshole's fuck-ups? Do you think I'm doing charity work?" "......." "Do you think Dong-jin didn't know how his life will end while he was borrowing and coining?" "You know, Dong-jin's...
Secretary Class-R19 · 12. July 2024
Chapter 3 *** If she showed up unannounced, he'd get mad. She felt ridiculous dialing the phone now. Her heartbeat pounded in her eardrums as the silence broke through the signal waiting tone. She was hoping he wouldn't pick up the phone when she finally dialed. -Cho Min-seong But regardless of Eun-jin's wishes, a heavy bass sounded over the receiver. Eun-jin's head went white for a moment, but then she regained her composure and greeted Min-seong. "Hello, big brother. I'm Eun-jin, Dong-jin's...
Secretary Class-R19 · 12. July 2024
Chapter 2 *** In fact, Eun-jin clearly remembered the day she last saw Cho Min-seong. Forgetting that would probably be impossible even after a lifetime. It was a nice day. Like the warm sun, her heart felt good. It had been two months since she started working at Taewon Electronics. For the first time, she received a compliment from her boss. Did she say that the phone call was a blessing in disguise? Her helplessness to do anything, which she had learned in college, was wiped away with a...
Secretary Class-R19 · 12. July 2024
Chapter 1 *** Falling in love was hard, breaking up was easy. I wasn't sure if I loved the man who broke up with me. The tears in my eyes were not mourning for a severed emotion. They were pity for me. "I don't think we're right for each other, Eun-jin." It was reality. Was it you and me, or was it our backgrounds that were mismatched? I knew the answer with certainty. But I didn't correct him. The sharper the world becomes, the blurrier I become. For the time being, it was better to float in a...