
To you 10

Translator : Ariana

Chapter 10. Duke Cassel Winkler (1)


The Knight Commander was flustered. It was an absurd statement. For someone whose identity was unknown to appear and start issuing orders was laughable.

However, what was even more startling was the feeling that he should actually comply with that request.

"Ten minutes."


"I'll give you just ten minutes. After that, I'll use force to bring the young lady back to the mansion."

"Understood, but move back quickly."

Only after the Knight Commander moved away with another knight did Cassel rise from his seat. Without bothering to brush off the wet dirt on his pants, he quietly made a suggestion to Riena.

"I understand what the young lady might be thinking. Even if you have Count Dyke's letter, it must be difficult to trust me. I also know it's hard to trust me even though I was Cassel, someone you knew when we were children. It has been a long time, after all."


"However, it is clear that you are in a difficult situation right now. I want to help you as much as I can. It's also my master's will. If I can't help you, I wouldn't be able to face him in the future."

Riena furrowed her brows slightly.

"How did you know I was in a difficult situation?"


Cassel hesitated for a moment before answering.

"I figured that out because you were running away from your family at this hour and because a knight was forcibly trying to take you back."

It made sense. In fact, even to a stranger, Riena's current situation would seem very suspicious.

"And naturally, I looked into the Dyke family and the young lady before coming here. It seems there's talk of marriage with a certain viscount family, but no matter how I look at it, it doesn't seem like a favorable match for you."


"It was an unavoidable procedure, but I apologize if it made you uncomfortable."

"No, it's understandable. You needed to know if there were any marriage talks involving me to decide whether to propose or not."

She was genuinely not offended.

"But I still can't impose on you."

As Riena continued to hesitate, Cassel changed his approach to persuasion.

"Then, how about thinking of it this way? Cassel the scaredy has come to fulfill a childhood promise."


"Have you forgotten?"

Seeing that Riena couldn't remember, Cassel spoke about the promise first.

"We said we'd get married when we grew up."


The mention of marriage seemed to trigger a forgotten memory.

If I ever get married when I grow up, I'll marry you, Cass.

It was a conversation they had in a field full of blooming yellow wildflowers.


Do you know what marriage is? It's a promise for a man and a woman to spend their whole lives together.

But I heard you marry someone you love.

That's right.

What had Riena said to a confused Cassel at that time?

I like you.


Don't you like me?

She vividly remembered Cassel's response, his face, neck, and ears turning as red as a tomato.

...I like you too. If I ever get married when I grow up, I want to marry you.

The two children had hooked their pinkies and made a promise. They didn’t stop there—they made rings out of flowers and put them on each other's ring fingers.

"But that was just childish play. I had even forgotten about it."

"I haven't forgotten."

Cassel's firm words made Riena feel as if she had done something terribly wrong.

As she remained silent, Cassel spoke again.

"I understand if you're hesitant to accept my proposal. No matter how much I have my master's letter, it must be hard to trust me."


"Then how about this? You can come with me for now, and stay with me temporarily until everything is resolved."

"What do you mean by 'temporarily'?"

"Currently, you are a member of the Dyke family. In principle, you must follow Count Dyke's wishes. Even if the family forces you into a marriage you don't want, you have no way to avoid it."

Riena swallowed dryly as she listened to him.

"On the other hand, if you marry me, my family can protect you. I will protect you until everything calms down, and once it's all over, I'll send you wherever you wish to go. I'll also support you with the necessary expenses."

"So, you're saying we should pretend to be married temporarily?"

"Something like that."

Riena hesitated.

"Why are you doing this? It’s a proposal that benefits me, but not you. Why are you willing to make such a sacrifice?"

"My master was like a father to me. It's only natural that I help the young lady he was most concerned about, who is also my old friend."


She had to think rationally. Since her attempt to escape had been discovered, it would now be nearly impossible to secretly leave the mansion to meet Raul.

Given this, Riena had three choices left.

She could be pushed into marrying Viscount Rotman, marry the suspicious Johannes, or fake a marriage with Cassel.

Even though they had spent time together as children, it was still difficult to fully trust Cassel.

To be honest, she wasn't even sure if Cassel was the same person as the Cass she knew.

And somehow, she didn't want to use this man.

"As I said, I can't use you for my own safety."

Cassel smiled faintly. It looked like a smile on the verge of tears.

"I'm telling you to use me."


"I came here to be used by you."

His eyes were sincere as he looked at Riena. Although it was possible to fake sincerity, the man seemed completely genuine at that moment.

That made it even harder for her to accept his proposal.

"Time is almost up."

Cassel urged as the Knight Commander shouted.

"Young lady, the madam is waiting. It's time to return."

At that moment, Cassel loudly asked so the Knight Commander and his subordinates could hear.

"I'll ask again, Lady Dyke. Will you marry me?"

The time had finally come for her to make a decision. Riena bit her lips hard, and after looking at the large hand he extended toward her, she impulsively answered.

"Yes. Alright."

The long struggle seemed meaningless, as a sense of freedom washed over her the moment she gave that answer.

"Young lady!"

The Knight Commander shouted in disbelief, but Riena ignored him and took Cassel's hand.

"I'll accept your proposal."

"You can't do this!"

The Knight Commander, who had hurried over, tried to force Riena's hand away. But the man who had been looking at Riena with gentle eyes suddenly turned fierce.

"Did I overestimate the knights of the Dyke family? Since when has a mere knight been allowed to interfere in his lord's conversation?"

The Knight Commander flinched for a moment but quickly retorted.

"Isn't it the duty of a subject to prevent his lord from going down the wrong path?"

"The wrong path?"

"How can I stand by when the young lady is about to accept a proposal from a man whose name and family she doesn't even know?"

It was only after hearing the Knight Commander's remark that Riena realized she didn't even know the man's full name. She knew his first name was Cassel from her father's letter, but she didn't know his last name.

I didn't know Cass's last name when we were kids either.

Even though he had her father's letter, she was about to promise her life to someone she didn't know.

In the worst-case scenario, he could be a commoner without a last name.

But Riena didn't regret her choice. Even if he were a commoner or even a war slave, she would still marry him.

The man looked a bit troubled by the Knight Commander's valid point. He bowed his head to Riena.

"I'm sorry, young lady. I was in such a hurry that I forgot to introduce myself."

"No, it's alright..."

"Let me formally introduce myself. My name is Cassel Winkler."

At his low voice, Riena and the Knight Commander, who was about to object, both fell silent in shock.

Winkler. One of the three duchies in the empire.


"Is there anything you need to take from the mansion?"

Riena, who had been blankly staring at the rain-soaked mansion, turned her head at the voice beside her. The man from her dreams—no, Cassel Winkler—was quietly looking at her.

After introducing himself, Cassel had suggested that they return to the Dyke mansion to inform them of their engagement.

Given how things had turned out, Riena agreed that it was necessary to formally break off the marriage talk with Viscount Rotman.

And I’ll need to answer Lord Belliard as well. It wouldn’t be polite to run away without giving him a response.

After that, the Knight Commander who had come to capture Riena went ahead to inform the household of the situation, while she rode Cassel's horse back to the mansion. Despite her dirty clothes, Cassel didn't hesitate to let her ride with him.

In fact, when he saw her soaked, mouse-like appearance, he offered her his hood. Riena accepted his consideration without refusal and had just returned to the mansion.

Riena finally recalled the question he had asked earlier and opened her mouth to respond. But before she could, the Countess of Dyke came out with her maid.


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