
To you 9

Translator : Ariana

Chapter 9. Scaredy-Cassel's Proposal


Riena, like any other girl, had dreamed of a romantic proposal since childhood. To be honest, Cassel's proposal was far from what she had imagined.

For starters, they weren't in love with each other. The location of the proposal wasn't a flower-filled garden but rather a mud pit where her feet sank deeply. Her attire wasn't a cherished dress but old clothes chosen solely for practicality.

In fact, no woman would feel thrilled in this situation. It was that much of a mess of a proposal.

But there was one thing that was exactly as she had dreamed.

Cassel's gaze as he looked at her.

‘Am I losing my mind?’

It was undoubtedly the first time they had met, yet she felt as though his gaze was filled with affection. His calm voice also seemed to carry an inexplicable tension.

It couldn't be possible, yet it felt as if he truly loved her.

Even though Johannes had proposed to her as well, it was Cassel's proposal that stirred her heart more—because of that earnest gaze.

But Riena quickly shook off those emotions. It was time to think logically. She considered what would happen if she accepted Cassel's proposal versus if she didn't.

If she accepted Cassel's proposal, she would be starting a married life with a man she had just met. Whether that marriage would be happy or not, she had no way of knowing.


On the other hand, if she didn't accept this proposal, she would be caught and forced to marry Viscount Rotman since her attempt to escape had been discovered. And she could say with certainty that life with him would be miserable.

If not that, she would have to accept Johannes' proposal, which also didn't appeal to her.

An uncertain future or a future of certain misery.

It was a question not even worth pondering. Moreover, didn't Cassel possess the letter written in her father's handwriting? If he was the man to whom her father entrusted his daughter, surely he wouldn't mistreat Riena.

She trusted her father's judgment.

‘But is this really the right choice?’

In noble families, it was common to marry without love. In fact, marrying for love was the exception.

Riena had fled from the prospect of marrying Viscount Rotman in disgust, but in truth, it wasn't unusual for girls her age to marry men as old as their fathers due to family interests.

Considering that, marriage with Cassel wouldn't be a bad choice.

She didn't know what his status was, and if he was a noble, she didn't even know what title he held, but she trusted her father's letter. Even if he turned out to be a blacksmith and she had to work all day as his wife, it might be okay. If it was her father's choice.

But would this also be the right choice for this man? Riena wondered.

Judging from the contents of the letter, it seemed that Cassel's father and her father had been close friends. Cassel, too, must have had some connection with Count Dyke. Perhaps a rather deep connection.

That's why he must have rushed over with just a letter asking him to take care of Riena.

But for him, wouldn't marriage to Riena be a bolt out of the blue?

He might have someone he admires, and he might not even want to marry her, but if he's doing this out of obligation...

‘I don't like that.’

She couldn't avoid her own unhappiness by making someone else unhappy.

Riena organized her thoughts and opened her mouth.

"I don't want to choose another marriage to avoid an unhappy one."


"I’m very grateful that you came all this way to help me after receiving my father’s letter, but I can't bring myself to trouble you. And marriage isn't something that can be decided so easily."

Riena tried her best to speak politely as she looked at the still-expressionless man.

"I appreciate your feelings. But, my lord, I can't accept your proposal. Besides, I don't even know you. And you don’t know me either."

"......If I told you that we've met before, would you consider accepting my proposal?"

The man, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke. Riena was startled.

"We've met before?"

Riena had no memory of ever meeting this man. She had only seen him in her dreams.

But now he said they had met before?

Although it was a far-fetched idea, Riena briefly wondered if this man had also had the same dream she did.

If he, too, had dreamt of kneeling before her, pleading...

However, what came out of his mouth was an entirely unexpected story.

"Do you remember a boy named Cass who stayed at the Dyke estate for a while when you were young?"


Riena then recalled the name from a corner of her memory.

It was as if all the pieces of the puzzle of her memory, which had been vaguely floating around since she read the Count Dyke's letter, finally came together.

"Scaredy Cass?"

About 10 years ago, Count Dyke, who had been away for a long time visiting a friend, brought back a boy.

The boy, with black hair and blue eyes, was named Cass. He stayed at the Dyke estate and lived with Riena.

After half a year, Cass left the estate upon hearing the news of his brother's death, and Riena never saw him again.

As Riena showed signs of recollection, the man finally gave a faint smile. However, it was so faint that one might not even realize he was smiling unless they looked closely.

"I don't think I was a scaredy."

Although it wasn't a direct answer, his words were enough of a response for Riena.

"Is it true? Are you really Cass?"

"Yes. I was called that when I was young."

"My goodness, how...?"

Riena scrutinized Cassel's face again. However, she couldn't find a trace of the timid Cass she had known in this man, who now radiated an aura as sharp as a finely honed blade.

"You don't look like the boy I remember..."

His black hair and blue eyes were the same.

But the Cass she knew was a delicate boy who flinched at the sound of rain at night.

Yet Cassel looked strong enough not to flinch at anything.

"A lot of time has passed, hasn't it?"

"But still..."

No matter how much time had passed, the difference was too great.

While Riena was still bewildered, the knight commander who had been watching their conversation intervened.

"Didn't you hear what the young lady said? I don't know where you came from, but you should leave at once. Stop acting so pitifully. And don't try to deceive the young lady with nonsense about being Cass."

But when Cassel made no move to get up, the knight commander reached for his sword. However, he never got the chance to draw it. The moment he touched the hilt, someone placed a blade against his neck from behind.

"W-when did you...?"

It was the person who had come with Cassel. He had been standing a bit away, observing the situation, but when the knight commander moved, he approached so quickly that it was unnoticed.

A look of bewilderment crossed the knight commander's face.

‘Did I not sense anything?’

The Dyke estate was a land that guarded the southern border of the empire. The knights under the Count were all highly skilled. The knight commander, too, was talented enough to be scouted by the Imperial Knights.

For someone to overpower him meant they possessed an exceptional level of skill. The knight commander's spine tingled.

The bloodlust from behind was palpable, as if the person was genuinely ready to kill him.

‘I might really die like this...’

The knight commander remained still, barely able to breathe, when Cassel spoke.

"Dean. Stand down."


The man called Dean sheathed his sword and returned to his original position. Cassel glanced back at him before speaking.

"I need to speak privately with the young lady for a moment, so it would be best if you stepped back as well."

The knight commander bristled.

"How can I step back when I don't know what you might do to the young lady?"

"If you're worried I might abduct her, you can block the way."

"That's not enough!"

"It seems you're under a misunderstanding; this isn't a request."

Riena couldn't see it, but Cassel's gaze had changed. The mournful look he had while gazing up at her had vanished, replaced by the sharp eyes characteristic of a top predator.

The knight commander flinched.

As Cassel had said, this was not a request.

It was an order.


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