
Secretary Class 8

 Chapter 8


But again, he couldn't get off.

He squeezed his dick with a handkerchief soaked in fluids, sniffed it, did all the dirty arrivalist things, but he couldn't get hard.

He thought he was past the age of virility.

Of course, at that moment, it was Ha Eun-jin's body that dominated Min-seong’s desire.

Chuckling to himself, Min-seong scrolled through his contacts on his phone.

At times like this, it was better to think of something else.

Min-seong scrolled through his contacts.

After a few moments, he dialed the number, and the woman on the other end of the line sounded so different from Eun-jin.

-You're calling me all the time. What's going on this time?

It was Lee yeon-hee, the bar's little madam, whom he visited a few times on business.

He realized that if he kept this up, it would interfere with his work. It would be a relief to hear the progress of her plans.

"Come here so I can stamp your address."

-Where are you?


Lee let out a sigh that bordered on a scream.

He wondered if she was doing a good job.

Anyway, women were annoying to work with.

-Home? Really, the managing director's home?

"Don't make me tell you twice."

-Yes, I'll be there right away.

Min-seong hung up the phone. He could still feel the pain in his lower body when he thought about fucking Ha Eun-jin.

After washing up in the bathroom, Min-seong sat on the living room couch and waited for Lee yeon-hee.

After half an hour, she called him from the entrance security.

Leaving the front door open, he sat back down on the couch. Now all he had to do was stop thinking about fucking Ha Eun-jin, but something was bothering him.

"Hello, Mr. Managing Director."

Lee's thick perfume wafted into the living room from the front door.

His temples prickled at the thick musk.

"Would you like a glass of champagne?"

In her hand was a bottle of rosé champagne. She must have brought it home from the store.

"No. Are you and I just going to sit around the house and drink?"

Lee raised her eyebrows, as if she didn't care either way, and removed her outerwear.

She was wearing a blouse suit that revealed her body line.

It was the same suit, but it was different from the skimpy one Ha Eun-jin wore.

What was this.......

It’s mind fucked and he was no longer interested.



"Just go."

Lee blinked as if she had heard something wrong. Even her innocent expression was disgusting and irritating.

"Mr Director....... Aren't you going to ask me about the progress?"

"Fuck off. If you want to fix the palace properly, you'll do it yourself."

Min-seong glared at Lee yeon-hee, not wanting to repeat himself. Exhausted, Lee put her trench coat back on and set the rosé champagne on the sofa table.

"Mr. Director must be in a bad mood. I'm going to go, but you can have a glass of champagne and relax."

Pressed by Min-seong’s momentum, Lee yeon-hee left the house without a second thought.

Even though she was gone, her body scent still made his head swim.

Back in his bedroom, Min-seong picked up his cell phone again.

He dialed the number of his housekeeper, who had already left for the day.

He told her to ventilate and clean the room immediately until the frivolous odor disappeared, then lowered the light level in the bedroom.

He felt like he had to go to a urologist to get it out of his system.

Still, the thought of unloading on another woman didn't cross his mind.


Min-seong threw his cell phone to the ground, unable to understand the situation.

The phone hit the floor and shattered into pieces.


Eun-jin found an apartment through a real estate agent on the weekend and moved in on a whim.

If she waited even a day, her mom and brother could break into the house at any moment.

It was a good thing she didn't have much luggage. It was ridiculous that she didn't have many possessions because she gave all her money to her mom. There was always a bounce back from the bad to the good. Thanks to her parasitic family, the move was short-lived.

She moved with a one-ton Yongdal truck and spent a whole weekend organizing the house.

It was a fresh start.

When her mom gave birth to her, there was no room for her will. But now it was different. She vowed that in her second life, she would make sure she was well-fed and well-lived.

Two weeks in a row, she struggled on the weekends, and then the weekdays came back and were hell.

The calendar didn't even show a rest day for a while.

She just hoped that summer vacation would come back as soon as possible.

"Eun-jin, what do you want to eat today?"

She was fiddling with the subcontract that came down from above when her coworker Park Mi-yeon asked her.

"Do you want to eat anything?"

Eun-jin asked without thinking about it, and Park Mi-yeon said something she had been preparing for this moment.

"Actually, I want to eat tuna, but I can't eat it alone as a lunch course. Why don't we eat together?"

Thanks to Park Mi-yeon, who said she always ate at work with a little help from her manager, Eun-jin was able to taste various foods.

When she was still sending money to her mom, it was sometimes hard to afford lunch and hang out with Park Mi-yeon, but it was different now.

A third-year head of the legal department of a large company.

It was enough to support herself.

"Okay, let's go together."

"You're the best. I'll crush that tuna."

Mi-yeon gave a thumbs-up with both hands and turned back to her desk.

Eun-jin rushed to finish her work before lunch.

She was proud of herself for being so efficient in the morning. No more worries about her family would eat up her time.

"Let's go eat!"

As soon as the clock struck 12:00, people in the keynote room rose from their seats one by one. Mi-yeon grabbed Eun-jin's arm as they ebbed and flowed out of the room.

"I’ve been dying to eat tuna for days."

It was awkward to link arms with a coworker at work, no matter how close they were. But Eun-jin was always grateful for Mi-yeon's casual approach.

Mi-yeon, who was only interested in eating, has been a good colleague and friend to Eun-jin. Eun-jin often envied and admired Mi-yeon's carefree life.

One day, when Eun-jin broke down and confided in her about her troublesome family situation, Mi-yeon shed a tear for her.

She was grateful for her silence. Mi-yeon, who had lived her life without a care in the world, couldn't possibly understand all of Eun-jin's situation, but she was grateful to have someone listen to her.

"Why didn't you eat on the weekend?"

"Weekday lunches are cheaper."

"I thought eating and flexing was the whole point of going to work."

"At least it's not expensive tuna!"

"Are you making fun of Mi-yeon because she's in charge?"

"I learned it from Ms. Kim."

Mi-yeon giggled and quickened her pace toward the elevator.

The two mingled with inappropriate topics as they exited the building.

The spring weather, with its languid sunshine, was pleasant, a hint that things were about to get better.

But for every good thing, there was always a bad thing bouncing back.

Men dressed in black suddenly surrounded Eun-jin.

"Ah, who are you?"

An uneasy premonition flashed through her mind.

Her brother's face flashed before her eyes and then disappeared.

"If you borrow money, you have to pay it back, don't you?"

A tattoo of a grotesque goblin, Irezumi, grabbed Eun-jin by the scruff of the neck. Eun-jin's wrinkle-free blouse crumpled at the force.

Mi-yeon, who was thrown to the ground as she tried to stop him, grabbed her cell phone, but another man stomped on it.

"Ah, what are you talking about, I didn't borrow money!"

The people in the office stared at Eun-jin as they were watching, but none of them called the police.

Eun-jin knew that. Calling the police would only complicate things.

"Come with me when I’m being nice, young lady. You don't want to embarrass yourself further here, do you?"

The man with an ugly goblin tattoo pulled Eun-jin roughly away. He shoved her like a piece of luggage into the back of a sedan. The men sat on either side of her so she couldn't escape.

"Someone help me, please, call the police!"

Mi-yeon screamed, calling out to passersby for help, but when the crosswalk light changed, they scurried away.

The car drove away.

Her body shook in panic.

Squeezed between the men, Eun-jin couldn't move. Her heart tightened uneasily.


The car arrived at KG Capital. It was the second financial sector where Kyunggeum Construction was expanding its power octopus-style.

"Why the hell are you doing this!"

Eun-jin screamed at the man's rough touch, and he said.

"Miss. If you don't want me to get rough, shut up and follow me, okay?"

The man dragged Eun-jin to a six-story building and threw her into an office labeled "Administrative Office.”

Eun-jin staggered into the office in her high heels.


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  • #1

    krung12 (Thursday, 12 September 2024 00:09)

    this is getting more interesting. please update the chapters. Thank you ❤️